Bid Index — Power Up With Pride 2019
Total: $11,640.67 — Choice Total: $3,802.42 — Challenge Total: $7,838.25

Name Run Description Amount Goal
Gem to Poof Squaridot Steven Universe: Save the Light There is some poofing going on, and we're trying to figure out who is the best gem! Help us decide! The choices are: Amethyst, Pearl and Garnet. $149.20 (None)
Name the First Boss! Steven Universe: Save the Light We get to choose the name for the first boss of the game! The name choices are: Insecti-Saw, The Bladeinator, Furnace Face, and Dave. $5.00 (None)
Name the Third Boss! Steven Universe: Save the Light We also get to choose the name for the third boss! The name choices are: Duke of Strawberries, Excalicrush, Mace McGillicuddy, and Spikey McSpikeball. $13.69 (None)
Character Choice CRAP! No One Loves Me! Choose the character to play as! Choices: Femme, Masc, or Gasmask. $36.10 (None)
Color Choice Virtual Boy Wario Land You can change the color displayed on the Virtual Boy! The colors to choose from are: red, yellow, green, cyan, dark blue, purple, and black. $21.00 (None)
Lights Off For New Jersey JUMP (Janked Up Mario Party) This incentive turns the lights off in the level "All The Way From New Jersey", making this level quite a bit harder! $200.00 $200.00
Manky Bridge Route JUMP (Janked Up Mario Party) By meeting this incentive, we can get the runner to take the Manky Bridge route in the game, making them go a bit out of the way. $200.11 $200.00
Character Choice Super Mario Bros. 3Mix Choose the character to play as! The choices are: Mario, Luigi, or Toad. $45.00 (None)
Character Name Crystalis Randomizer Choose the name for the runners to name their character! Max of 6 characters in length. Top 2 bids are picked when the runs starts. $91.00 (None)
Pokemon Names Pokémon Red/Blue This is a bid war to name the Bulbasaur and Abra that are used the most in the run! Max of 10 characters to the name. To choose which Pokemon you want the name for, put the Name and then followed by the Pokemon, ex.: "PUWP - Abra" $136.00 (None)
Mini Exhibition Hard Head At the end of the run, Janglestorm can show us an exhibition of fun extra things in the game, such as cool sound effects or getting K.O.'d by the sun if you wait too long! $363.00 $350.00
Songs To Play! Kingdom Hearts Final Mix HD We have some down time in the travel between worlds, so why not fill it with some fun songs? There's a list of Disney songs to pick, but we will also take silly (sfw) suggestions! $75.47 (None)
Curly Story! Cave Story+ If this incentive is met, we will get to see the game played with Curly instead of Quote! $1,000.77 $1,000.00
Path of Pain Hollow Knight This incentive makes the runner take the Path of Pain in Hollow Knight, and oh gosh, is it painful. $750.33 $750.00
Silent Hill: Homecoming Silent Hill: Downpour During the cut scenes of Silent Hill: Downpour, the runner will be running Silent Hill: Homecoming, if this incentive is met! A two for one deal, really! $2,534.40 $2,500.00
Character Names Final Fantasy IV: Free Enterprise Choose the character names for each of the 3 characters in each runner's party! The characters are Porom, Rosa, and Rydia. Donate with the Name and then Character you want to name, ex.: Name - Character. Names for characters will be doled out in threes to each runner in order of their spot on the layout. $439.37 (None)
Final Boss Sprite Final Fantasy IV: Free Enterprise There are some custom sprites made for the final boss in the FFIV Free Enterprise randomizer! The two theme choices are: Cartoon Villainess or Video Game Villainess. $84.00 (None)
Music for Twin Harp Final Fantasy IV: Free Enterprise There are some custom music choices for the Twin Harp in FFIV Free Enterprise randomizer! The two theme choices are: Super Mario Bros. series or Pokemon series. $128.00 (None)
FF8 Track with Hidden Character Chocobo Racing If this incentive is met, we will get to see the FF8 themed track raced with hidden character! $770.00 $750.00
Character Tag Super Smash Bros. Brawl Choose the character tag displayed in Super Smash Bros. Brawl! Max of 5 characters displayed. $13.00 (None)
US vs JP Version Cybernator There are two version of Cybernator, the US version and JP version. The JP version has anime portraits and the US version does not. Does anymore need to be said? $166.00 (None)
The Ultimate Choice Kirby: Star Allies By meeting this incentive, the runner will play The Ultimate Choice, which is a boss rush arena, on Soul Melter EX, the hardest difficulty. There is nothing more hardcore in a Kirby game than this. $841.00 $1,500.00
100% Run Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land Upgrading the run to 100% shows off more areas, power ups and the uses of those power ups! Who doesn't want some more content?! $1,178.64 $1,500.00
Save vs. Kill Super Metroid Save or kill the animals at the end of Super Metroid 100% run! The runners will have to go out of the way to open the pathway to save, or just ignore the animal room to kill, at the end of the escape sequence. $1,476.59 (None)
Good vs. Evil Sprites The Legend of Zelda Help the runners make the choice between Good and Evil with these sprites! Good sprites are Link, Zelda, Old Man, Old Woman; Evil sprites are Wizzrobe, Darknut, Stalfos. $923.00 (None)

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