Donor Index — All Events

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Lily $180.00 (3) $100.00/$60.00
Demerine $177.00 (17) $25.00/$10.41
Clouder $175.00 (4) $50.00/$43.75
Dodecalope $175.00 (2) $100.00/$87.50
sparkletone $175.00 (3) $100.00/$58.33
Radicoon $173.00 (2) $123.00/$86.50
Spankcak3s $171.00 (6) $100.00/$28.50
EmDash0 $170.00 (3) $100.00/$56.67
Lain $170.00 (3) $100.00/$56.67
Poppy105 $170.00 (2) $150.00/$85.00
Jolene $167.00 (4) $75.00/$41.75
tsuk $166.00 (4) $111.00/$41.50
Lil Melly Mooncat $165.32 (6) $50.00/$27.55
sylverfyre $165.10 (6) $50.00/$27.52
Elipsis $165.00 (4) $50.00/$41.25
SunriseShortcake $165.00 (6) $50.00/$27.50
TifasRevenge $163.37 (2) $133.37/$81.69
Coderjo $162.30 (3) $100.00/$54.10
Seckswrecks $157.40 (12) $50.00/$13.12
Siatabiri $156.00 (2) $100.00/$78.00
incoherent $155.00 (2) $100.00/$77.50
emma164 $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
randomsalience $150.00 (3) $100.00/$50.00
CloudyShoe $150.00 (1) $150.00/$150.00
pixlblur $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
Line $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
TertiaryLanes $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
The Tech Crew $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
arborelia $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
Nox $150.00 (1) $150.00/$150.00
ScribbleEye $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
dark77778 $150.00 (1) $150.00/$150.00
NeoMagusX $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
Yarn $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
mustbetuesdaymusic $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
Endrarah $150.00 (6) $48.00/$25.00
SolarZebras $150.00 (2) $100.00/$75.00
Pete and Kate $150.00 (1) $150.00/$150.00
bookwyrm42 $150.00 (3) $100.00/$50.00
pangasaur $150.00 (1) $150.00/$150.00
CDS9 $150.00 (1) $150.00/$150.00
Ryan $142.00 (4) $87.00/$35.50
CO2 $140.00 (4) $60.00/$35.00
Peachy123 $136.27 (6) $50.00/$22.71
halfcoordinated $136.00 (4) $100.00/$34.00
kuraselache $136.00 (8) $31.00/$17.00
Zefalcon $130.00 (4) $55.00/$32.50
gears $127.00 (11) $69.00/$11.55
Aria $127.00 (4) $60.00/$31.75
Zen Is Zen $125.00 (1) $125.00/$125.00

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