Donor Index — All Events

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Hupfen147 $550.00 (3) $250.00/$183.33
rujasu $547.00 (25) $114.00/$21.88
Hex $544.82 (38) $222.11/$14.34
Alchemie $528.00 (2) $328.00/$264.00
discountcleric $525.00 (2) $500.00/$262.50
Vorpy272 $515.00 (10) $100.00/$51.50
Mr_Shasta $514.00 (6) $150.00/$85.67
MattMattPartyHat $500.00 (3) $200.00/$166.67
tony / buzz buzz alliance $492.00 (7) $200.00/$70.29
leggystarscream $454.01 (19) $120.00/$23.90
Lylovir $451.00 (5) $101.00/$90.20
MrCab $450.00 (5) $200.00/$90.00
poo $450.00 (2) $350.00/$225.00
asilentharmony $446.02 (19) $125.00/$23.47
N0nb1naryCode $432.01 (16) $113.00/$27.00
ReverendGumby $430.00 (5) $100.00/$86.00
walkingeye $406.00 (2) $206.00/$203.00
poppy $402.00 (10) $101.00/$40.20
Hempuli $400.00 (2) $200.00/$200.00
Sephy $395.00 (8) $100.00/$49.38
sharif $395.00 (6) $100.00/$65.83
CorundumCore $394.00 (17) $100.00/$23.18
garbi $387.00 (6) $100.00/$64.50
DkKoba $386.00 (7) $100.00/$55.14
8bitTheologian $370.00 (3) $160.00/$123.33
GameQuoter $359.00 (9) $100.00/$39.89
TrainerAnade $350.00 (17) $58.00/$20.59
thefifthmatt $350.00 (2) $300.00/$175.00
davidtki $350.00 (9) $100.00/$38.89
yuriks $350.00 (2) $250.00/$175.00
dragonsUwU $350.00 (4) $100.00/$87.50
EmoSaru $350.00 (2) $250.00/$175.00
Delphine Synastria $345.00 (5) $125.00/$69.00
ctenos $322.00 (1) $322.00/$322.00
TheJadedMieu $318.00 (16) $50.00/$19.88
The Lemon Fairy $318.00 (6) $100.00/$53.00
JBrunTR $311.12 (2) $261.12/$155.56
Char_bunny $304.00 (4) $100.00/$76.00
Shayla $300.00 (1) $300.00/$300.00
Alchemie13 $300.00 (2) $200.00/$150.00
Fighbat $300.00 (2) $250.00/$150.00
Nexlation $300.00 (3) $200.00/$100.00
Krowe $300.00 (2) $200.00/$150.00
d155a715f1ed $300.00 (2) $200.00/$150.00
ZELLLOOO $298.00 (9) $65.00/$33.11
konbanmiao $288.00 (8) $125.00/$36.00
wells $287.50 (7) $75.00/$41.07
Achloryn $283.00 (7) $50.00/$40.43
SHODAN $271.00 (4) $100.00/$67.75
Jim B. $271.00 (3) $166.00/$90.33

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